3D Model
This week's lab is focused on performing spatial analysis in ArcGIS based on a particular form of raster data called the digital elevation model. A particular area is divided into raster sectors, with elevation data assigned to each. The process of creating various representations based on the raster data was enjoyable and intriguing as we are allowed to choose a color ramp to our liking. I was particularly fascinated by ArcScene and its presentation of raster data using 3D graphics. Being able to actually rotate and view the area from all 360 degrees gave me more information about the area than any other 2D maps. The process of creating the other 2D maps was quite simple and painless. The spatial analysis tool from ArcToolbox was extremely helpful and did almost all the necessary work for me, including dividing data into subgroups and assigning color ramps based on it. It was, however, a bit inconvenient that I could not find the units used for the data in each raster layer easily. As a result, the legends may appear confusing to readers who don't know the units beforehand. Also, there seemed to be some glitch within ArcScene, such that a corner of the 3D landscape turned blank after I left the program idle for some time. I tried rotating and zooming but the problem persisted. Fortunately I exported the image before this glitch occurred.
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